Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Diamonds Are A Girl’s Best Friend! (Pun Intended)

       Well, we finally decided to do it!! And by we, I mean my best friend of ten (till forever) years, Nina Blumberg. We may seem like total opposites: she’s a tall glass of water, I’m on the petite side, I’m a Hokie, Nin’s a Cavalier, I can talk a mile a minute, Nin can drive a mile a minute, etc, but in the end- we couldn’t be a more perfect combination. Besides the fact that we are the best of friends, we share the head over heels and completely obsessed love for fashion. Skydiving, zip-lining, rollercoasters: those are the ridiculous kind of things that exhilarate and awaken a person. That’s all fine and dandy, but for us- it’s walking into a store . Doesn’t quite seem like it would cause that same rush of adrenaline to race through your body…. until you combine the bright flashes of colorful fabrics, the sparkle and glint of fab jewelry, an enticing waft of yummy perfume, and the hustle and bustle of those affected just as much as you are. Alright, maybe that’s just us. But that’s definitely the reason for our blog- we are LITERALLY obsessed and in love with everything fashion, and we want to share that special feeling of finding the perfect gem with all of you!

       And now my turn to chat with y’all for a sec! I’m Nina, or ‘the tall glass of water,’ as my other (and better) half Rathi Gupta would apparently describe me to the inquiring mind. Ratty basically covered all the bases, though- her and I are probably the most similarly opposite best friends you’ll ever meet. We may fall in love with the same handbag, dress, or even boy, but you can trust that whatever the newest obsession may be, we’ll work it in a completely different way. And we definitely believe this to be one of the most important principles of fashion: to always be two steps ahead of everyone on the newest trends, but at the same time be aware and unafraid to rock whatever works best for your body, style, and personality. Our second and equally as important guiding fashion principle is that it’s not about the price of the piece, it’s about the feeling it gives you when you wear it! So on that note, we present this blog as the lovechild of our contrasting but interconnected visions, bonded together by our shared love for fashion, life, and one other!

With love to all you precious gems out there,


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